I'm Sarah, mum, part - time teacher and an online business owner. After High School I went straight into University to study Primary Teaching. From there, I went straight into the classroom. Teaching is all I have ever known. In June this year I had my little boy. A couple of months after having him, I knew I needed things to change. I did not want to go back to the stress, long hours and underpaid work that is teaching. I wanted to spend more of my time with my little boy. I wanted freedom and the chance to make memories instead of the few hours I would get each night and at the weekends if I stayed full time in teaching.
My goal is to eventually leave the classroom and become an online business owner full time. But for now.. I have taken the leap and decided to believe in myself and the many transferable skills I have as a teacher to begin my own business. I have decided to become my own boss!